
Hello & Welcome!

I first discovered the Montessori method in conversation with a friend who was adapting to life with toddlers. She was seeking out ways to encourage her small human to develop a strong sense of independence.

At this time, my friend asked my opinion on several open-shelving ideas she was considering. These shelves would be used for her toddler’s lounge room toy storage. Knowing that I had a love of interiors and a background in visual design, she was eager to get my input. 

From there, we talked about which furniture option would best suit her overall interior style, while still being functional. After all, the shelves needed to look great and achieve the Montessori-inspired outcome she was wanting.

Montessori Tips Founders

I was curious – I didn’t have a child of my own yet and the concept of Montessori was completely new to me.

Immediately, I started reading more about the Montessori Method. I realised that many of the principles aligned closely with my own personal value system. 

I took a mental note to return to Montessori and learn about its practical application in daily life…when I was to have a child of my own (more on that below!).

“The things he sees are not just remembered; they form a part of his soul.”​
Dr Maria Montessori, 1933
Dr. María Montessori – The Absorbent Mind
Dr. María Montessori – The Absorbent Mind

My Mission

Fast forward several years and I am now the proud mother of a vibrant, determined little boy. Throughout this blog I refer to him as Bear (not his actual name, but naturally became my go-to pet name for him). 

Following Bear’s arrival, I started doing more reading. I kept finding awesome resources and products.

The more I read, the more I found information that I thought other parents would also find useful. And so, Montessori Tips was born!

Through Montessori Tips, it is my goal to provide considered, easy-to-read, engaging and fun resources on all things Montessori and Montessori-inspired. Enjoy!

Laura S.
Montessori Tips
